Papers and reports on the application, economics, environmental
impact, performance and safety of hydrocarbon refrigerants.
Preprint 82K or hccar05.pdf 145K - Maclaine-cross, I. L.,
Usage and Risk of Hydrocarbon Refrigerants in Motor Cars for
Australia and the United States, International Journal of Refrigeration, Vol. 27 No. 4, pp. 339-345, June 2004.
airah01.html 35K
or airah01.pdf 138K
- Maclaine-cross, I., Atmospheric Treaties and Replacement
Refrigerants for Vapour Compression, AIRAH Journal, Vol. 55 No. 7, pp. 20-23, July 2001. 77K or
ods992.pdf 236K - Maclaine-cross, I.,
Replacement Refrigerants for Water Chillers, Proceedings of
Seminar on ODS Phase-out: Solutions for the Refrigeration Sector, ISBN
979-95780-0-0, Kuta, Bali, Indonesia, pp. 50-55, May 5-7, 1999. 87K or
ods991.pdf 247K - Maclaine-cross, I.,
Hydrocarbon Refrigerants for Car Air Conditioners, Proceedings
of Seminar on ODS Phase-out: Solutions for the Refrigeration Sector,
ISBN 979-95780-0-0, Kuta, Bali, Indonesia, pp. 31-36, May 5-7, 1999.
Revised Draft 119K or gtz99.pdf 150K - Maclaine-cross, I. and
Goedhart, J., Hydrocarbon Refrigerants in Australian Cars,
Chapter 11, Developments and Trends in ODS Phase Out: Yearbook
1997-1999, GTZ Project PROKLIMA, Eschborn, Germany, pp. 105-120, 1999. 85K
or icopt97.pdf 262K
- Maclaine-cross, I. L., Refrigerant Concentrations in Car
Passenger Compartments, Proceedings of the International
Conference on Ozone Protection Technologies, Baltimore MD,
pp. 403-412, November 12-13th, 1997. 57K
or airah97.pdf 169K
- Maclaine-cross, I. L., and Leonardi, E., Why Hydrocarbons Save
Energy, AIRAH Journal, Vol. 51 No. 6, pp. 33-37, June 1997.
pap10.html 54K
- Aisbett, E. and Pham,
T., Natural Replacements for Ozone-Depleting Refrigerants in
Eastern and Southern Asia, Seminar on Environment and Development
in Vietnam, National Centre for Development Studies, Australian
National University, December 6-7th, 1996.
autoco10.html 29K
- IAHRA, Code of Practice for the Use of Hydrocarbon Refrigerants
in Motor Vehicle Air Conditioning, The Independent Australian
Hydrocarbon Refrigeration Association, Brisbane, December 1996. 125K
or hrlcpc.pdf 308K
- Maclaine-cross, I. L., Hydrocarbon Refrigerant Leaks into Car
Passenger Compartments, Report, School of Mechanical and
Manufacturing Engineering, The University of New South Wales, Sydney,
20 pages, 7th November 1996. 54K
or iir96p1r.pdf 154K
- Maclaine-cross, I. L., and Leonardi, E., Comparative
Performance of Hydrocarbon Refrigerants, Refrigeration Science and
Technology Proceedings, International Institute of Refrigeration,
Proceedings of meeting of Scientific Commissions E2, E1, B1, B2,
Melbourne (Australia), pp. 238-245, February 11-14th, 1996. 73K
or iir96p2r.pdf 204K
- Maclaine-cross, I. L., Insurance Risk for Hydrocarbon
Refrigerants in Car Air-Conditioners, Refrigeration Science and
Technology Proceedings, International Institute of Refrigeration,
Proceedings of meeting of Scientific Commissions E2, E1, B1, B2,
Melbourne (Australia), pp. 262-271, February 11-14th, 1996. 82K or
cfca95.pdf 219K -
Maclaine-cross, I.L. and Leonardi, E., Hydrocarbon
Refrigerant Risk in Car Air-Conditioners, Paper presented at 1995
International CFC and Halon Alternatives Conference, Washington DC, 15 p.,
23rd to 25th October 1995. 99K or
alpga95.pdf 246K - Maclaine-cross,
I.L. and Leonardi, E., Performance and Safety of LPG
Refrigerants, Proceedings of the Fuel for Change Conference -
Australia, Surfers' Paradise Queensland, Australian Liquefied
Petroleum Gas Association Ltd, ISBN 0 646 24884 7, pp. 149-168,
February 28th to March 2nd, 1995. 48K
or fireball.pdf 158K -
Maclaine-cross, I. L., FIREBALL - A Brief Report on Pilot
Experiments to Measure the Insurance Risk of Hydrocarbon Refrigerants
in Motor Cars, Report, School of Mechanical and Manufacturing
Engineering, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, 8 p., 16th
January 1994. 55K or
gfqmcw93.pdf 178K -
Maclaine-cross, I. L., Hydrocarbon Refrigerants and Motor
Car Air-Conditioning, Paper presented at Green Fridge
Quest, Master Class Workshop, National Science and Technology Centre,
Canberra, 7 p., 22nd November 1993.
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